LTE Radio Network Planning

The course discusses in details EPS/LTE radio network dimensioning. It focuses on coverage predictions, capacity estimations as well as presents aspects of frequency and PCI planning. Theory introduced in the course is coherently followed by practical exercise in a form of a small project (Case Study).

Target audience

The course is intended for those, who already know the EPS/LTE technology and wish to learn the principles of cellular networks planning. This is particularly intended for engineers who work with planning and optimization of radio network.

Training contents

  • Introduction
    • Architecture
    • Physical layer
      (transmission techniques - OFDMA, SC-FDMA; modulation methods - BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM; physical channels, MIMO antenna system, LTE frequency bands, channel bandwidth, peak data rate, channel models),
    • LTE planning process
      (initial requirements - cell range, average cell throughput, cell capacity),
  • Antennas
    • Types and characteristics
    • Diversity techniques
    • Antennas for MIMO solution
  • Path Loss Modelling
    (Radio propagation models).
  • Link Budget Analysis
    • Equipment's characteristics
    • Link Margins
  • Coverage and Capacity Considerations
  • Case Study
  • Frequency Planning
  • PCI Planning
  • Prerequisites

The participants should have attended “LTE/EPS Technology” and “Signalling in E-UTRAN/LTE” courses or should have the equivalent knowledge.

Training method

Lectures and case study.


2 days



Public Schedule
2014-10-23 09:00:00 - 2014-10-24 16:00:00
(Other dates)
2 days
Warsaw, Poland
(See the map)