In the field of telecommunications we specialize in:
- Generic Technical Training, which covers modern telecommunications, especially GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Radio Network Planning, Signalling, LTE/EPS, IMS/RCS, 5G.
- Technical Training based equipment producent's solutions and applications - our professionally trained instructors provide high quality training for customers world-wide.
- Cell Planning - we provide both technical support and consultancy in coverage, capacity and quality oriented GSM and GPRS cell planning.
- Radio Network Optimisation - thanks to our deep knowledge of the GSM standard and collected experiences of several operators we offer support and consultancy in tuning of the radio network.
- Telecommunication Seminars - we deliver almost any kind of seminar concerning Mobile Telecommunication Concepts and Ideas (including 3rd-5th generation of mobile systems) and also Telecom in general.
- Telecommunication Consultancy - we can supply professional consultants and expertise in any field of Telecom.
- Technical Support for Telecom Companies - our experienced employees work as Support Staff for Telecommunication Networks operators. We can supply professionals for both short and long term contracts.